The aim of this program is to equip the Teachers, Administrative staff, Hostel Wardens, other Support staff and senior batch of students from class VII onward on life saving skills. It is geared towards the management of emergencies as a first responder, till the arrival of trained medical practitioners or the victim reaches to Hospital as early management relates to higher survival rate.
Basic Life Support- (Adult & Child)
- Concepts of high-quality CPR
- Chain of survival – Adult and Child
- Safe use of automated defibrillation
- Rescue breathing for adult & child
- Relief of choking (Foreign Body Airway Obstruction) for adult & child
First aid Management of Bleeding & care of wounds
- Burns / Scalds
- Fracture & head injury
- Fall
- Foreign body in Eyes, Ears & Nose
- Drowning
- Didactic session
- Video Illustrations
- Hands on Demonstration
- Simulated Scenarios
- Mock drills
1 day (6-8 hours)
CPR-4 hours & First Aid-4 hours
Minimum 50 participants or more
For further details, please contact us: info@satsacademy.in