ACLS(Advance Cardiac Life Support)
What is Advance Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)?
This course builds on the foundation of lifesaving BLS skills, emphasizing the importance of continuous, high-quality CPR. This advanced course highlights the importance of high-performance team dynamics and communication, systems of care, recognition and intervention of cardiopulmonary arrest, immediate post-cardiac arrest, acute dysrhythmia, stroke, and Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS).
What does the course teach?
- Systematic evaluation of a patient in emergency situation
- Perform prompt high quality BLS
- Recognize and manage respiratory arrest
- Early recognition & management of Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS)
- Early recognition & management of Stroke
- Recognize and manage arrhythmias
- Perform immediate post cardiac arrest care
- Recognize the impact of team dynamics and effectively participate in the team as a member or leader
- Use of Rapid Response Team (RRT)
- Course uses learning stations for practice of essential skills simulated clinical scenarios that encourage Active participation
- Hands-on class format reinforces skills proficiency
- Classroom-based works well for learners who prefer group interaction and instructor feedback while learning skills
- Reflects science and education from the 2015 AHA Guidelines Update for CPR and ECC

Who can get the training?
The course is intended for BLS* certified health care professionals (Doctors, Nurses, Allied Healthcare staffs) who wish to learn the skill effectively and needs a value addition in their career enhancement opportunities.
*Combined course of BLS and ACLS is also available.
Is there any Certification?
On successful completion of the course you will be receiving an ACLS Provider Card (AHA) valid for 2 years.
What is the course Duration?
The course duration would be of 2 days.
What is the Course Fee?
Please contact undersigned for the details
Where is the Venue?
- For individuals, the course will be conducted in a group at SATS Academy
- For a team of at least 10 members; the course can be conducted at your selected venue in your organization or at SATS Academy as well.